Regeneration and Development

At RJ we have an unequalled track record in delivering complex, multi tenure regeneration projects on behalf of developer partners and Registered Providers alike. With a highly experienced multi-disciplinary team, we can provide services and advice in the very early stages of a scheme. We work across all aspects of regeneration and development, addressing economic, physical and social transformation across schemes on a national level whilst providing a local service. We are adept at creating deliverable strategies and formulating partnerships for success.

Our menu of services includes:

• Project feasibility and land acquisition advice

• Sourcing and securing public sector funding

• Development appraisal and sensitivity analysis

• Creation and management of partner selection

• Professional team selection

• Project team direction

• Negotiation of development agreements

• Community engagement

• Cost planning

• Project management

• Negotiation of planning agreements

• Agreement of affordable housing obligations and RP engagement